OS Re-Installation using Manual Installation ISOs from MassiveGRID's Secure Customer Portal (H/A Cloud Servers)

Re-Installation of OS using Manual Install ISOs from Secure Customer Portal

Please follow the below instructions for reinstalling the preferable OS. This process will delete any data stored inside the server and reset it.


Manual Install ISOs:

- Log in to MassiveGRID's Secure Customer Portal (https://portal.massivegrid.com/clientarea.php).

- Go to menu Services > My Services.

- Select the Active Server, you need to re-install OS (the attached image contains test services for this tutorial) .

- Once selected, the overview of your server will be prompted. Select Manage/Stats Tab in order to proceed with the OS/ISO selection.

- Select the edit VM icon from at the end right of the Information Line  



- Select the preferable Manual installation ISO from the drop-down ISO menu and select Save Changes.



- Open noVNC console by navigating on the right sidebar under the Actions Tab

- Click on the Commands button and select Reset.

- At boot screen press ESC & choose the 2nd option "DVD/CD".

Continue to the reinstallation following the OS instructions. Once the installation is completed, kindly proceed by unmounting the Manual Install ISO from the Virtual CD/DVD Drive and selecting Save Changes.

  • reinstall, os install, os reinstall, linux, windows, isos
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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